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003J, Sneakers store

Jorge Prieto Martínez

1ºBA Interior Design
003j Portada

For this project we have been proposed the theme of interior in motion. We had to design a space inside a train car.
The choice of the wagon to start creating my proposal was a freight car.

This project consists of the creation of a commercial space such as a sneaker store.

The name chosen for this project was 003J, which refers to the numbers found in the wagons that are used to classify and order each wagon.

The main idea was to generate a trompe l'oeil, which once inside will transport you to another place, but I had to find what trompe l'oeil to generate. I realized that when we walk down the street we find many construction site containers in which debris is generated and then has no use. With this thought we are going to take two other concepts that are debris and give another life to materials without use.
With these three concepts we are going to start designing this project, which we are going to divide into six phases of execution.

  1. Creation of a floor from rubble.
  2. Placement of corrugated sheet metal walls covered with transparent polycarbonate.
  3. Creation of furniture such as the counter, armchairs and shelves made from electro-welded mesh and polycarbonate.
  4. Placement of lighting.
  5. Creation of a false ceiling made from polycarbonate and protective fabric used on the facades to protect from falling debris.
  6. Placement of finishes to complement the space.

All these materials that we are going to find are taken from construction debris, but not all of them are going to be found as such in a construction site, so that is where the last concept comes in, which is to give another life to unused materials.

With all this we can summarize that 003J is not just a sneaker store, once inside it will take us to a construction site for all those materials that we find inside and how to use them.

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003j Portada