Credit Transfer
If you have completed a higher education course or a higher qualification, you can apply for credit recognition for design qualifications and thus build on your previous studies.
Through this section we offer you specific information on credit recognition if you are going to study a Design Degree or a Career in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property.
Royal Decree 1618/2011, of November 14th, on the recognition of studies in the field of Higher Education, establishes the regime of recognition of studies among the different teachings that constitute higher education. For its part, the Order of October 16th, 2012, which establishes the ordering of evaluation of the learning process of students of higher artistic education, regulates the system of recognition and credit transfer of these teachings. Finally, the Credit Recognition procedure is regulated by the Instruction of June 18th, 2014.
Who can apply for Credit Recognition?
Credits may be granted to those ESADA students who, having completed their enrollment during the current course, are in the following circumstances:

Previous studies of CFGS, EEAASS, Degrees or University Degrees prior to the Bologna Plan and Master's Degrees.
Studies regulated by the Ley Orgánica 1/1990, de 3 de octubre, de Ordenación General del Sistema Educativo (Organic Law 1/1990, of 3 October, on the General Organisation of the Education System).
In the case of having studied a Bachelor's Degree, a minimum of 36 ECTS credits will be recognised. In the case of the CFGS in Plastic Arts and Design, a minimum of 30 ECTS credits will be recognised.

File Transfer
If you have started your higher design studies in another autonomous community, you can apply for a transfer to study at our centre and at least the same number of credits that you have passed in your place of origin will be recognised.
If your transfer is within the autonomous community of Andalusia, the recognition of subjects is instantaneous, as it is the same syllabus.

Switching between different design specialisations
If you change specialisation (interior, graphic, fashion or product), all the credits passed corresponding to the basic training subjects will be recognised.
Higher degrees have a minimum of 60 ECTS of basic training.
For the first option, there is a table with the credit recognition history of previous years' design degrees so that you can know in advance which subjects will be validated, although you can include more subjects in the application form. In this case ESADA charges 30% of the amount of the credits, you can find more information at academic fees.
Credit recognition can only be requested for subjects enrolled in and only one application can be submitted for each academic year. In any case, you must apply for credit recognition at the time of enrolment, submitting the documentation we indicate in our secretary's office, so that we can start the procedures as soon as possible.
Transfer of Academic Records
If you have started your higher studies in design and you want to continue your studies at ESADA, you can apply for admission by requesting a transfer of your transcript.

Frequently Asked Questions
Students enrolled in higher artistic design education who have previously studied CFGS, EEAASS, University Degrees or qualifications prior to the Bologna Plan and Master's Degrees.
Se abonará solo el 30% de la asignatura si se concede el reconocimiento de créditos.
No, credits corresponding to end-of-studies or end-of-Master's degree projects cannot be recognised.
Yes, provided that the foreign degree has been homologated with one of the official Spanish higher education degrees.