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BA Graphic Design

Graphic design is present in almost everything around us. Being aware that someone shapes all these messages to communicate with us is the first step towards becoming "creators of stories" that reach everyone. Each project you develop after studying the Official Degree in Graphic Design will allow you to develop the ability to communicate using images, typographies, illustrations, videos... the only limit is your creativity..

BA Graphic Design

Graphic design is present in almost everything around us. Being aware that someone shapes all these messages to communicate with us is the first step towards becoming "creators of stories" that reach everyone. Each project you develop after studying the Official Degree in Graphic Design will allow you to develop the ability to communicate using images, typographies, illustrations, videos... the only limit is your creativity..

Study Graphic Design

The continuous technological evolution and new media have created an enormous field of action for graphic designers. We live in a society with a high demand and consumption of graphic and visual communication, so if you want to be part of this world, studying graphic design is the right decision.

At ESADA you can study the Official Degree in Graphic Design, a qualification awarded by the Regional Ministry of Education and equivalent to a university degree for all purposes. These studies are part of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and are therefore valid internationally.

Our innovative Project Based Learning (PBL) methodology aims to produce professionals with a critical and analytical mindset, capable of developing a project from start to finish, of working in teams fluently and of defending their ideas and creations through the public exhibition of their proposals. We want learning to be meaningful and for our students to be able to manage their knowledge in an autonomous and professional manner, for which the integrated project is a fundamental tool, bringing together all the subjects in a common goal.

cuerpo grafico

The projects are designed to enable students to progressively acquire all the skills necessary for the graphic design profession.

We integrate lectures by renowned professionals in the sector and organisations representing the cultural and commercial sector into our training at ESADA, bringing us closer to the real world of design.

Graphic Design offers us in each project the opportunity to do something new, to define identities, to transmit sensations through colour, form or typography, communicate an idea, a thought or a feeling.
Lorena Ruiz López, Coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design

Graphic Design Syllabus

1º Course

2º Course

3º Course

4º Course

Final Graduate Project (2nd Semester, 12 ECTS)

Practicum (2nd Semester, 12 ECTS)

Specialisation in Digital Marketing

ESADA, aware of the revolution that digital marketing is bringing about in communications and the importance this has in the professional development of our students, has developed a specialisation in this discipline that all students at our school will be able to access.

Three subjects related to Digital Marketing are offered and the aim is for students to obtain the necessary knowledge to manage their own brand or to obtain an alternative outlet in the labour market, related to these new professions in demand:

  • Subject I. Fundamentals of digital marketing,
  • Subject II. Advanced digital marketing,
  • Subject III. Digital Marketing: Monitoring and Analysis.

Students will be able to take these subjects within the optional programme of our study plans. At the end of the course, they will receive a certificate from the centre accrediting their specialisation in Digital Marketing.

As it is a regulated education, the regulations that develop the Higher Degree in Design in the speciality of Graphic Design establish a series of Specific Competences that the students must acquire, which are:

  • Generate, develop and materialise ideas, concepts and images for complex communicative programmes.
  • Master the formal resources of visual expression and communication.
  • Understand and use the capacity of meaning of graphic language.
  • Master the procedures for the creation of communicative codes.
  • Establish organisational structures of information.
  • Interrelate formal and symbolic languages with specific functionality.
  • Determine and, if necessary, create typographic solutions appropriate to the objectives of the project.
  • Know the channels that support visual communication and use them in accordance with the communicational objectives of the project.
  • Analyse the behaviour of the recipients of the communication process according to the objectives of the project.
  • Apply methods for verifying the effectiveness of communication.
  • Master the technological resources of visual communication.
  • Master digital technology for the treatment of images, texts and sounds.
  • Know the economic, social, cultural and historical context in which graphic design is developed.
  • Understand the legal and regulatory framework that regulates professional activity, occupational health and safety and intellectual and industrial property.
  • Reflect on the positive social influence of design, assess its impact on the improvement of the quality of life and the environment and its capacity to generate identity, innovation and quality in production.
The graphic designer is a creator whose activity is aimed at using graphic language to generate messages and communicate contents of a diverse nature with different media and for different communication channels. The main areas in which he carries out his activity are:
  • Corporate and visual identity.
  • Editorial design.
  • Graphic production.
  • Packaging design.
  • Art direction in advertising.
  • Audiovisual design.
  • Television graphics.
  • Multimedia design.
  • Interaction design, web design.
  • Environmental designer: graphics and communications applied to space.
  • Design of didactic material.
  • Research and teaching.

Access to the degree

Don't forget to visit the section Requirements to find out in detail what you need to study next year at our centre. 

Official Degree

  • 4 years | 240 ECTS

  • Access to public grants

  • Internships from 2nd year onwards

  • Erasmus+

  • Project based learning

Tuition fees and scholarships

New students


Opening of Academic Record: 350€
Reservation: 250€
60 credits ECTS
Students with ESADA records


Reservation: 250€
60 credits ECTS

As students of an official degree, you will have the opportunity to apply for the scholarships of the Ministry of Education for post-compulsory studies, as well as those of the Regional Ministry of Education (ADRIANO).

As these studies are within the European Higher Education Area, you will be eligible for Erasmus+ grants for both study abroad and international internships.

Official Master in Video Game Design

Artificial Intelligence Applied to Design

Digital Marketing and Fashion Communication