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BA Product Design

The Official Degree in Higher Artistic Education in Product Design offers a multidisciplinary, open education in line with the requirements of today's society. Versatile and adaptable to a wide range of professional sectors, it is a degree that allows students to find their own professional opportunities in a world where traditional professions are disappearing and new employment options are opening up.

BA Product Design

The Official Degree in Higher Artistic Education in Product Design offers a multidisciplinary, open education in line with the requirements of today's society. Versatile and adaptable to a wide range of professional sectors, it is a degree that allows students to find their own professional opportunities in a world where traditional professions are disappearing and new employment options are opening up.

Study Product Design

Think about the products you use every day. Most of them are useful, attractive and seemingly very simple. However, even the simplest products are much more complicated than they may seem. Not only do these products need to be conceptualised and designed, but they also need to be manufactured.

A product designer is someone who designs the appearance of different types of products, from mobile devices, vehicles or tourism to food. They also work on the usability of the product, so it is not all about aesthetics.

cuerpo producto

Although many product designers work with a variety of different elements, most specialise in one particular element, especially if they work for a particular company.

Redesign is also part of their work; improvements are made to the same item, increasing the functionality and efficiency of the product. They can work on new products or improve existing ones, and use their knowledge of technology, materials and manufacturing methods to improve the design and usability of an item.

We can summarise the work process of a product designer in the following steps:

  • Design
  • Modelling
  • Prototype production
  • Testing

At ESADA students will work alongside engineers, artists and modellers, carrying out research on real projects and developing a design proposal. In the final courses they will develop a feasibility study of the designed element to ensure its profitability.

Contemporary society requires solutions to individual and shared problems and needs. It is our duty to respond by creating innovative and emotional experiences.
Samuel Funes, Product Design Degree Coordinator

Product Design Syllabus

1º Course

Materials and manufacturing processes (Annual, 10 ECTS)

Expression techniques in Design (2nd Semester, 5 ECTS)

Representation systems (Annual, 8 ECTS)

Vectorial representation (Annual, 7 ECTS)

Visual Language (Annual, 8 ECTS)

History of Design: centuries XIX, XX and XXI (2nd Semester, 4 ECTS)

History of the arts and aesthetics (1st Semester, 4 ECTS)

Photographic documentation (Annual, 5 ECTS)

Freehand drawing: Sketches (1st Semester, 5 ECTS)

Creativity and Project Methodology (Annual, 4 ECTS)

2º Course

3D Modelling and simulation (Annual, 7 ECTS)

Models and prototypes (Annual, 8 ECTS)

Packaging and sales stands (Annual, 7 ECTS)

Design arts and crafts (Annual, 7 ECTS)

Identity communication (Annual, 7 ECTS)

Technical English (Annual, 4 ECTS)

Scientific fundamentals applied to design (Annual, 7 ECTS)

Eco-design and sustainability (2nd Semester, 4 ECTS)

3D construction (Annual, 5 ECTS)

Anthropometry and ergonomics (1st Semester, 4 ECTS)

3º Course

Trends and new product scenarios (Annual, 5 ECTS)

Agricultural food product (Annual, 7 ECTS)

Advanced materials for design (Annual, 8 ECTS)

Strategic system design (Annual, 10 ECTS)

Product design (Annual, 10 ECTS)

Theory and culture of Design (Annual, 6 ECTS)

Design management (Annual, 6 ECTS)

Optativa 1 (1st Semester, 4 ECTS)

Optativa 2 (2nd Semester, 4 ECTS)

4º Course

Practicum (2nd Semester, 12 ECTS)

Final Graduate Project (2nd Semester, 12 ECTS)

Specialisation in Digital Marketing

ESADA, aware of the revolution that digital marketing is bringing about in communications and the importance this has in the professional development of our students, has developed a specialisation in this discipline that all students at our school will be able to access.

Three subjects related to Digital Marketing are offered and the aim is for students to obtain the necessary knowledge to manage their own brand or to obtain an alternative outlet in the labour market, related to these new professions in demand:

  • Subject I. Fundamentals of digital marketing,
  • Subject II. Advanced digital marketing,
  • Subject III. Digital Marketing: Monitoring and Analysis.

Students will be able to take these subjects within the optional programme of our study plans. At the end of the course, they will receive a certificate from the centre accrediting their specialisation in Digital Marketing.

As it is a regulated education, the regulations that develop the Degree in Design in the speciality of Product Design establish a series of Specific Competences that students must acquire, which are:

  • Meet with clients to establish design briefs, including concept, performance and production criteria
  • Work on ideas as part of a team or developing design concepts using CAD (computer aided design)
  • Participate in multidisciplinary team meetings
  • Draft initial design ideas
  • Identify suitability and availability of materials
  • Production, detailed drawings and final specifications using computer software (CAD), including parts lists and costing.
  • Making samples or sketched working models or using computerised prototyping equipment
  • Proving the design concept by computer or physical modelling.
  • Materials, process or market needs research.
  • Organising meetings and liaising with engineers and other departments, such as marketing, to discuss and negotiate appropriate production processes, costs and commercial issues
  • Travelling to customers' production facilities and assessing production feasibility
  • Making presentations as senior design or customer management, either when bidding for a contract or submitting design proposals.

Innovation is considered an absolute necessity in all areas throughout the EU and in our country in particular. Product Design is one of the instruments for managing innovation in the company and it has usually been tackled without the necessary rigour. This has led to a lack of interest in the subject on the part of the business sector. These concepts (assimilated in other parts of Europe) are already changing in our country, and it is increasingly understood that Product Design improves the competitiveness of the company, contributing to the following:

In short, a designer focused on devising objects that improve our environment, combining functionality, aesthetics and ergonomics. In practice, what career opportunities can I find by studying Design in the speciality of Product Design?

He is a professional capable of designing, analysing, researching and determining the physical and formal properties and qualities that must characterise his productions, defining their form, configuration, quality, functioning, value and aesthetic, social and environmental significance.

  • Designer in multidisciplinary studios, for a company or as freelance staff.
  • Designer of objects for the home: furniture, lamps, textiles, cutlery, etc...
  • Product designer: household appliances, urban furniture, jewellery, toys, packaging, etc...
  • Business management and industrial, artisan or self-production production.
  • Designer of strategies, systems or services

Access to the degree

Don't forget to visit the section Requirements to find out in detail what you need to study next year at our centre. 

Official Degree

  • 4 years | 240 ECTS

  • Access to public grants

  • Internships from 2nd year onwards

  • Erasmus+

  • Project based learning

Tuition fees and scholarships

New students


Opening of Academic Record: 350€
Reservation: 250€
60 credits ECTS
Students with ESADA records


Reservation: 250€
60 credits ECTS

As students of an official degree, you will have the opportunity to apply for the scholarships of the Ministry of Education for post-compulsory studies, as well as those of the Regional Ministry of Education (ADRIANO).

As these studies are within the European Higher Education Area, you will be eligible for Erasmus+ grants for both study abroad and international internships.

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