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Artesanal. An exhibition of projects and furniture

Artesanal is an exhibition linked to a teaching research project (PID) of the Escuela Superior de Diseño de Andalucía (ESADA), which consists of showing the best projects and designs of reused and self-built furniture of its second year students of the 2021-2022 academic year of the design degree with a speciality in interior design by means of a comparative-deductive methodology for the definition of the exhibition, designed and constructed in a totally handmade way by its curator (Álvaro Gor Gómez). The objectives pursued are the professional motivation of the students, the generation of a cultural event, improving the social attractiveness of the design school in connection with the city of Granada, promoting associative life, improving the professional environment and demonstrating that a good quality artistic exhibition can be carried out at a low economic cost. This exhibition of handmade design is part of the fight against climate change, against the relocation of labour and production, against globalisation and against our own self-destruction.