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erasmus +

Rosa María Company, alumna del 3er. curso de Diseño de Interiores en ESADA Movilidad Erasmus+ para estudios en JAN MATEJKO ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS IN KRAKOW en Cravovia (Polonia) desde febrero a junio de 2024. Hace mucho tiempo que tenía claro que quería irme de Erasmus, y puedo afirmar que ha sido una de las mejores experiencias de mi vida. Es una oportunidad única que hay que aprovechar, porque es inolvidable. Elegí Cracovia por recomendación de mis amigos que habían estado previamente de Erasmus, además de que nunca había estado en el país y me pareció una buena oportunidad para conocerlo. Los trámites previos a llegar ahí fueron bastante sencillos. En cuanto al alojamiento, decidí irme a la residencia de Livinnx, y ha sido la mejor decisión que pude haber tomado. En Polonia es muy recomendable irse a residencia ya que hay muchas y es muy fácil conocer a gente. De hecho, mi proceso de adaptación fue muy fácil y rápido. Solo en la residencia éramos 90 españoles y...
Marta Terrón, alumna de 4º curso de Diseño de Interiores en ESADA   Movilidad Erasmus+ para prácticas curriculares en la empresa OLIV ARCHITEKTEN en Múnich (Alemania) desde febrero a mayo de 2024. Recuerdo el miedo e inseguridad que sentía el primer día antes de entrar por la puerta de la oficina. Realizar las prácticas externas en Alemania ha tenido tanto aspectos positivos como negativos. Empezando por la parte menos agradable, venía de terminar el último cuatrimestre en la escuela muy agotada mentalmente, y además no estaba en mi mejor momento a nivel personal. Sin embargo, no podía permitirme pasar esta oportunidad. Reconozco con orgullo que las semanas previas al viaje fueron de mucha preparación personal, aceptación y meditación. Por lo general soy muy emocional, y sabía que iba a pasarlo un poco mal por el mero hecho de estar tan lejos de mi familia y amigos. Era un cambio muy repentino durante cuatro meses, por lo que me preparé mentalmente, consciente...
Ariana González, alumna de 4º curso de Diseño de Interiores en ESADA   Movilidad Erasmus+ para prácticas curriculares en la empresa STUDIOMATERIALITY en Atenas (Grecia) desde febrero a mayo de 2024. Inicié oficialmente mi movilidad el 12 de febrero de 2024 y la terminé el 10 de mayo de 2024, pero llegué a Atenas el 31 de enero de 2024 y regresé a España el 5 de junio de 2024. De esta manera, pude disfrutar aún más de esta ciudad y de Grecia. Una vez allí, empecé a conocer a gente y a hacer nuevos amigos, que en su mayoría eran españoles. Comencé a descubrir la ciudad y a enamorarme de ella. ¡No todo el mundo puede vivir a 15 minutos del Acrópolis! Me fui a Grecia con la idea preconcebida de que era un país caótico. Y así es, pero el caos es necesario entre tanta norma. El caos de dejarse llevar y no darle importancia a grandes cosas. La vida mediterránea, el mar y la calma de una vida tranquila es lo que pude disfrutar en estos meses. Esta experiencia me ha...
Aroa Perelló, alumna del 2º curso de Diseño Gráfico en ESADA Movilidad Erasmus+ para estudios en SCHOLASTIKA en Praga (República Checa) desde febrero a junio 2024. Mi movilidad Erasmus+ para estudios en SCHOLASTIKA en Praga (República Checa) fue desde febrero de 2024 a junio de 2024. Desde que descubrí hace años que existía el programa Erasmus para estudiar en el extranjero, tuve claro que era una experiencia que quería vivir. Y así lo hice, quizá no fue el momento en el que más ilusión me hacía, pero aun así me tiré a la piscina. Tuve miedo e incertidumbre por cómo iban a ser estos cuatro meses, pero me repetía a mí misma que si no iba bien, siempre tenía la oportunidad de volver. No era la primera vez que me iba sola a vivir a una ciudad lejos de casa, puesto que hace unos años me vine a estudiar a Granada siendo de Menorca. Sin embargo, esta vez entraba en juego la diferencia cultural y lingüística. Las primeras semanas para mí fueron las más fáciles porque llegué...
Marta López, alumna del 3er. curso de Diseño Interiores en ESADA Movilidad Erasmus+ para estudios en NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ART SOFIA en Sofía (Bulgaria) desde febrero 2024 a junio 2024. Siempre he sido una persona a la que le encanta viajar, descubrir mundo y, sobre todo, vivir experiencias nuevas, por lo que no dudé ni un momento en querer hacer un Erasmus+. Gracias a esta experiencia, he vivido los cuatro mejores meses de mi vida y los más intensos también, los cuales recordaré por siempre. Pero quien se va de Erasmus+ tiene que estar dispuesto a explotar al máximo esta aventura, y eso es lo que hice. Mi movilidad Erasmus+ tuvo lugar en Sofía, la capital de Bulgaria. No era mi primer destino ni por asomo, pero la vida me quiso allí, y menos mal. Bulgaria es muy diferente a España, pero no me costó nada adaptarme a ella. Me ganó esta ciudad en el momento en que salí del aeropuerto y vi la montaña de Vitosha tan cerca, que me hizo sentir como en casa, igual que cuando ves Sierra...
Aleksandra Marczuk, Graphic and Fashion Design student at VIAMODA (Poland)   Erasmus+ Mobility for studies at ESADA from September 2023 to June 2024. I didn’t plan to go to my Erasmus to Andalucía. I didn’t plan to spend there whole year. I didn’t plan to have tears in my eyes every time I think about leaving ESADA. Thanks to the principals of the university, professors and community I had chance to be part of, it felt like home. Experiencing the culture, fashion shows organised by Felix, group projects, lecture rooms and tapas with people connected to the art, I felt fulfilled with feeling of belonging to artistic life of Granada. Facing challenges taste better when you can make it with friends. Thankfully I met the greatest ones. Poland, Spain, Romania, Cyprus, Turkey, Lithuania, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Serbia, Italy and Netherlands never felt so close. I’m grateful to Viamoda (Warsaw) and Esada (Granada) for creating such a connections which change the...
Federica Salvato, International Officer & Programme coordinator (BA’s) Accademia Abadir. Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training at ESADA, from May, 16th to 17th 2024. It has been very exciting to meet  the ESADA's team in person, after working by email only in the last few years! I have been welcomed in the warmest way possible and I had the opportunity to see how they work daily with joy and passion, supporting the local and international students in their development as human beings and professionals! I had the opportunity to visit the facilities of ESADA, a beautiful building located in the very city center of Granada but also I appreciated  the specific spaces they use for practical works  and  also the modern technology they have to run the activities. I also had the great opportunity to meet professors and students. Very useful, in particular, was the meeting with the students who are planning to come to Abadir in the following...
La "última International Dinner" organizada por ESN Granada en colaboración con ESADA fue un evento memorable que capturó el espíritu enriquecedor de la diversidad cultural. Celebrada el jueves 6 de junio, este encuentro no solo marcó el fin del año académico, sino que también sirvió como una emotiva despedida para aquellos estudiantes Erasmus que aún permanecían en Granada, una ciudad que se había convertido en su hogar temporal. En el dinámico ambiente de ESADA, los participantes disfrutaron de los diferentes sabores que reflejan la diversidad cultural de los estudiantes internacionales en Granada. La "última International Dinner" no solo fue un festín culinario, sino también un recordatorio del valor de la comunidad y la amistad. Durante la velada, estudiantes de diferentes partes del mundo se unieron en risas, intercambiaron historias y compartieron experiencias, creando lazos que trascienden barreras geográficas y lingüísticas. Para los alumnos Erasmus, este encuentro fue...
The "last International Dinner" organized by ESN Granada in collaboration with ESADA was a memorable event that captured the enriching spirit of cultural diversity. Celebrated on Thursday, June 6th, this gathering not only marked the end of the academic year but also served as an emotional farewell for those Erasmus students who were still in Granada, a city that had become their temporary home. In the dynamic atmosphere of ESADA, participants enjoyed a variety of flavors reflecting the cultural diversity of international students in Granada. The "last International Dinner" was not just a culinary feast, but also a reminder of the value of community and friendship. Throughout the evening, students from different parts of the world came together in laughter, exchanged stories, and shared experiences, forging connections that transcended geographical and linguistic barriers. For Erasmus students, this gathering was particularly meaningful, offering them the chance to reflect on their...
Del 27 al 31 de mayo de 2024, tuve el placer de asistir a la 1ª International Staff Week organizada por la Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) en Tallín (Estonia), bajo el tema "Sharing Experiences". Este evento reunió a docentes y personal de diversas escuelas y países de todo el mundo para explorar temas cruciales como los desafíos de comunicación, el aseguramiento de calidad y los entornos de aprendizaje digitalmente mejorados. Como Coordinador Erasmus+ en ESADA, participé activamente en numerosas sesiones y talleres, centrándome en "Learner Centeredness in Digitally Enhanced Learning Environments" dirigidos por Kaja Toomla. Mi participación destacó la dedicación de ESADA a explorar el panorama en constante evolución de la educación digital y la integración de la Inteligencia Artificial, entre otros temas interesantes.
From May 27 to May 31, 2024, I had the pleasure of attending the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) in Tallinn (Estonia) for their first International Staff Week, themed "Sharing Experiences". This event brought together educators and administrators from various schools and countries around the world to explore crucial topics such as communication challenges, quality assurance, and digitally enhanced learning environments. As the Erasmus+ Coordinator at ESADA, I actively participated in numerous sessions and workshops, with a focus on "Learner Centeredness in Digitally Enhanced Learning Environments" led by Kaja Toomla. My participation highlighted ESADA's dedication to exploring the evolving landscape of digital education and the integration of Artificial Intelligence, among other interesting topics.
Rita Nunes, Academic Services at ISEC Lisboa. Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training at ESADA, from April 22nd to 26th, 2024. My Erasmus mobility at ESADA was an incredibly enriching experience. From the moment I arrived, I was welcomed with the utmost kindness and friendliness, which made me feel at home immediately. Throughout my stay, I gained valuable cultural knowledge and insights into both internal and external administrative procedures. I had the opportunity to develop numerous skills and deepen my understanding of the processes at ESADA. I participated in various workshops and lectures that covered different design concepts. Notably, I attended a seminar on communication, which enhanced my ability to convey ideas effectively. I also took part in a workshop on tattooing, where I learned about the art and technique behind it, and another workshop on jewelry making, which broadened my creative and technical skills. I had the pleasure of being accompanied throughout...
Rita Nunes, Academic Services at ISEC Lisboa. Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training at ESADA, from April 22nd to 26th, 2024. My Erasmus mobility at ESADA was an incredibly enriching experience. From the moment I arrived, I was welcomed with the utmost kindness and friendliness, which made me feel at home immediately. Throughout my stay, I gained valuable cultural knowledge and insights into both internal and external administrative procedures. I had the opportunity to develop numerous skills and deepen my understanding of the processes at ESADA. I participated in various workshops and lectures that covered different design concepts. Notably, I attended a seminar on communication, which enhanced my ability to convey ideas effectively. I also took part in a workshop on tattooing, where I learned about the art and technique behind it, and another workshop on jewelry making, which broadened my creative and technical skills. I had the pleasure of being accompanied throughout...
On Thursday, May 9th, ESADA immersed itself in a gastronomic and musical experience that combined the richness of cultural diversity with the excitement of entertainment. We organized a new "International Dinner" in collaboration with ESN Granada, and additionally, we enjoyed the second semifinal of Eurovision Song Contest 2024, blending the flavors of the world with the excitement of the most anticipated musical competition of the year. The evening began with the "International Dinner", where in a festive and welcoming atmosphere, international students shared typical dishes from their countries of origin, creating a table full of colors, aromas, and smiles. As we explored the various flavors, we also eagerly awaited the start of the thrilling second semifinal of Eurovision. With full stomachs and elevated spirits, we prepared to enjoy Eurovision. The giant screen lit up with the lights and colors of the stage, creating an atmosphere charged with anticipation and excitement. From...
El pasado jueves 9 de mayo, ESADA se sumergió en una experiencia gastronómica y musical que combinó la riqueza de la diversidad cultural con la emoción del entretenimiento. Organizamos una nueva "International Dinner" en colaboración con ESN Granada y, además, disfrutamos de la segunda semifinal de Eurovisión 2024, fusionando los sabores del mundo con la emoción de la competición musical más esperada del año. La velada comenzó con la "International Dinner", donde en un ambiente festivo y acogedor, los estudiantes internacionales compartieron platos típicos de sus países de origen, creando una mesa llena de colores, aromas y sonrisas. Mientras explorábamos los diversos sabores, también aguardábamos con entusiasmo el inicio de la emocionante segunda semifinal de Eurovisión. Con el estómago lleno y el ánimo elevado, nos preparamos para disfrutar de Eurovisión. La pantalla gigante se iluminó con las luces y los colores del escenario, creando una atmósfera cargada de anticipación y emoción....
Mirsajjad Eslamkhah taghizad, faculty member at Biruni University Department of Engineering and Natural Sciences andInternational Affairs Office of Biruni University. Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training at ESADA, from April 22nd to 26th, 2024. Upon my initial arrival in Granada, I was warmly welcomed by Félix Guerrero, marking an excellent start to my visit. This initial warmth set the tone for the gracious hospitality I experienced throughout my stay, making me feel instantly at home despite being miles away from familiar surroundings. During the campus tour, I had the pleasure of meeting various faculty members, notably Fernando Ortega and Carmen Gómez, who were exceptionally welcoming. Exploring the university's main and auxiliary buildings gave me a deeper insight into the educational environment and facilities at ESADA. The Erasmus+ program was distinguished by the warmth of the ESADA staff, who treated us as if we were part of their own families. Daily,...
Mirsajjad Eslamkhah taghizad, faculty member at Biruni University Department of Engineering and Natural Sciences andInternational Affairs Office of Biruni University. Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training at ESADA, from April 22nd to 26th, 2024. Upon my initial arrival in Granada, I was warmly welcomed by Félix Guerrero, marking an excellent start to my visit. This initial warmth set the tone for the gracious hospitality I experienced throughout my stay, making me feel instantly at home despite being miles away from familiar surroundings. During the campus tour, I had the pleasure of meeting various faculty members, notably Fernando Ortega and Carmen Gómez, who were exceptionally welcoming. Exploring the university's main and auxiliary buildings gave me a deeper insight into the educational environment and facilities at ESADA. The Erasmus+ program was distinguished by the warmth of the ESADA staff, who treated us as if we were part of their own families. Daily,...
Assist. Prof. Dr. Tuba Terece, faculty member at Biruni University Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design and the Erasmus Coordinator of the department. Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching at ESADA, from April 22nd to 26th, 2024. Hola! I'm Assist. Prof. Tuba Terece. I am a faculty member at Biruni University Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design and the Erasmus Coordinator of the department. Together with research assistant Cansu Akyol, we visited the city of Granada, Spain, within the scope of Erasmus Staff Mobility for Teaching between 22-26th April 2024. This was our first Erasmus experience. We carried out mobility to experiment and develop new learning practices and teaching methods, explore interdisciplinary learning and collaborative approaches, and share our teaching methods, student studies, and activities. At the same time, we aimed to strengthen links with a new partner institution, share best practices, and observe teaching...
Assist. Prof. Dr. Tuba Terece, faculty member at Biruni University Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design and the Erasmus Coordinator of the department. Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching at ESADA, from April 22nd to 26th, 2024. Hola! I'm Assist. Prof. Dr. Tuba Terece. I am a faculty member at Biruni University Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design and the Erasmus Coordinator of the department. Together with research assistant Cansu Akyol, we visited the city of Granada, Spain, within the scope of Erasmus Staff Mobility for Teaching between 22-26th April 2024. This was our first Erasmus experience. We carried out mobility to experiment and develop new learning practices and teaching methods, explore interdisciplinary learning and collaborative approaches, and share our teaching methods, student studies, and activities. At the same time, we aimed to strengthen links with a new partner institution, share best practices, and observe...
Óscar de la Visitación, docente del Grado de Diseño de Moda en ESADA Movilidad Erasmus+ de docencia en  FREDERICK UNIVERSITY en Chipre, del 22 al 26 de abril de 2024. Hello everyone, my name is Óscar de la Visitación and I am going to tell you about my Erasmus in Nicosia! My first contact with the city was incredible, it is a city cut in half by the Turkish invasion in 1974, this makes it very special, full of cafes, quiet but very alive and with an old part of historical buildings and another more functional and more modern, and full of cats! My Erasmus was with Frederick University, a highly prestigious private center in Cyprus that teaches degrees in fashion, industrial and interior design. My first contact with Frederick University was with Professor Costas Mantzalos and Eleni Gircalli, fashion and product coordinators. The connection was incredible from the beginning, organizing plans and outings apart from university work. My Erasmus was based on carrying out...