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ESADA celebrates the success of the Erasmus+ Project 2020 with a score of 96/100

ESADA celebrates the success of the Erasmus+ Project 2020 with a score of 96/100
10 November 2023

In a few years marked by challenges, with a pandemic in the midst, ESADA takes pride in sharing the extraordinary achievements of our Erasmus+ Project 2020, which concluded this year with an astounding score of 96 out of 100. This international educational journey has become a celebration of diversity, learning, and success for our school.

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Strategic focus:

From its inception, our project set ambitious goals. We aimed to significantly increase student mobilities, both outgoing and incoming, as well as expand opportunities for staff in terms of training and teaching. We wanted not only to project the image of ESADA beyond our borders but also to build lasting professional and personal connections.

Quantifiable achievements:

During this project, we carried out 12 outgoing student mobilities, 4 internship mobilities, 1 staff mobility for teaching, and 2 staff mobilities for non-teaching purposes. Our reach spanned countries such as the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, Italy, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Lithuania. Additionally, we welcomed 23 students from France, Italy, Turkey, Lithuania, Ireland, the Czech Republic, Austria, and Romania. Furthermore, we had 5 incoming staff mobilities for teaching.

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Positive impact on the educational community:

The results and impacts of this project could not be more positive. Our outgoing students seamlessly integrated into host schools, enhancing their linguistic, academic, and personal skills. They experienced new educational systems, other cultures, and various design techniques, creating bonds and developing their independence and maturity.

Incoming students, on the other hand, fully immersed themselves in ESADA's academic life, actively participating in projects and activities both on and off-campus. All participants received ECTS credits recognition, as agreed upon in the Learning Agreement.

Inspiring success stories:

We want to highlight the staff mobilities for teaching and training, which not only enriched the involved professionals but also had a positive impact on optimizing our administrative and academic department. The acquired knowledge was successfully applied, improving our processes and outcomes.

Moreover, several students who participated in study mobilities decided to continue their Erasmus+ experience through new internship mobilities in the following academic year. This continuity demonstrates the lasting value and positive impact these mobilities have on the personal and professional growth of our students.

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Building lasting relationships:

The collaboration with companies during curricular internships has yielded exceptional results. Some of our students have had the opportunity to continue working in the same companies, evidencing the success and quality of our training and the strong relationships built with our collaborating companies.

Strengthening our educational community:

Thanks to these mobilities, incoming students decided to join our school after being inspired by their outgoing peers. This exchange strengthened our network and generated new opportunities for international collaboration, further enriching our educational community and promoting a global and intercultural learning environment.

Looking to the future:

Specialized seminars and the dissemination of information through our website and social networks have increased the visibility and recognition of the Erasmus+ program, fostering an increase in mobility applications.

This project not only represents a successful chapter in the history of ESADA but also lays the groundwork for future international collaborations, innovative projects, and education that transcends borders.

Thanks to all participants, teachers, staff, and collaborators who have contributed to making this project a memorable success. Let's celebrate together the power of international education at ESADA!

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