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My Erasmus+ BIP Mobility in Turkey: Rosa María Company, ESADA

My Erasmus+ BIP Mobility in Turkey: Rosa María Company, ESADA
31 August 2023

Rosa María Company, student in the 2nd year of Interior Design at ESADA

Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) in Turkey, from July 12th to 18th, 2023.


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Ten students from ESADA applied for an Erasmus program in a city in Turkey with the goal of carrying out a project alongside students from Greece and Turkey. I chose to join this experience because I believed it represented a great opportunity. Before our trip, we participated in various online seminars where we had the chance to get to know our future teachers and classmates.

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We arrived on July 13th to a small village in the Izmir region called Şirince. There, we met our future project partners; each team consisted of two Greek, two Turkish, and two Spanish students. Our project revolved around reflecting on the absence of a ruined hammam structure in the town of Selçuk.

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On a daily basis, we exchanged ideas, translated them into projects, and reached conclusions, which posed a challenge in communicating with people from different cultures. At the end of each day, we presented what we had achieved.

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We also had a free day, during which we visited the ruins of Ephesus and enjoyed the beach. It was during that day, as well as during dinners and evenings, when we began to form strong friendships.

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On the last day, we presented our final projects and returned to Izmir, where we shared a dinner, danced, sang, and had a great time. That night was unforgettable, filled with emotions, and it was the perfect way to say goodbye to our peers who had become our friends.

Without hesitation, I would repeat this experience due to everything I learned, both from the teachers and my classmates. Moreover, the beautiful places we visited, the amazing people we met, the shared laughter, and most importantly, the fun we had, all make this experience unforgettable.

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