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Our student Fátima Rivero finalist in the IV edition of the Antalia Decora competition

The director of the centre and Fatima speaking
Our student Fátima Rivero finalist in the IV edition of the Antalia Decora competition
04 August 2023

The Antalia Decora competition is an interior design and decoration competition that seeks to encourage the creativity and talent of the participants. In this competition, participants must submit innovative proposals for the creation and renovation of spaces, whether they are homes, offices or any other environment.

Designers have the opportunity to express their unique vision and technical skills in the design of functional and aesthetically appealing environments. Factors such as originality of concept, intelligent use of space, harmony of colours and materials, as well as the practical application of Antalia furniture and accessories are evaluated.

Finally, a panel of experts selects the finalists and the winner of the competition, who receive prizes and recognition for their talent and creativity. In addition, their proposals can be exhibited at events and decoration fairs, giving them a unique opportunity to stand out in the professional field.

finalistas antalia decora

Fatima and her organic cuisine

Among those finalists mentioned above is where our interior design student Fátima Rivero comes in with her project. Her design consists of defining the kitchen, living room and dining room of a house located in one of the neighbourhoods with the highest per capita income in the city, following the concept of Open Space inspired by the Home Design Hub project.

The main objective of the project is to understand the habitat as a whole, since the pandemic has taught us the importance of sufficiently large spaces for a pleasant habitability. Home Design Hub unifies kitchen and living room, turning them into a common, open and wide space.

Thanks to this project, to her constant work, Fatima made it to the final phase of the competition and was awarded for it. From the school we congratulate our student and encourage other designers not to miss these opportunities.

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