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Visit to L'École de design Nantes Atlantique

Visit to L'École de design Nantes Atlantique
19 June 2023

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Our directors Carmen and José also join the Erasmus adventure!

Last May, Carmen Gómez and José González joined Félix Guerrero, the Erasmus+ coordinator of ESADA, on their visit to L'École de design Nantes Atlantique in France. This exciting experience has provided them with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the enriching academic and cultural environment of one of the most renowned institutions in the field of design. ESADA has an Erasmus agreement with this outstanding school, which has given us the privilege of receiving and sending several students in recent academic years.

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During their stay, Carmen, José, and Félix have participated in numerous meetings with various members of the teaching staff, as well as with Zoe Lacey and Orianne Bernard from the International Department, who organized this visit. They have had the opportunity to exchange ideas and get a firsthand experience of the innovative methodologies used in this school. This collaboration between both institutions has strengthened our bonds and opened up new possibilities for future projects.

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In addition to the professional meetings, our directors and the Erasmus+ coordinator have had the chance to explore the school's new facilities and enjoy the wonders offered by the city of Nantes. They have strolled through its charming streets, visited impressive landmarks and iconic monuments, and experienced the city's rich cultural life and delicious French cuisine.

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This visit has been particularly significant as Ana Cabrera and María Vileya, two of our 3rd-year students from the Interior Design program at ESADA, are currently undergoing their Erasmus mobility at L'École de design Nantes Atlantique. Our students have had the opportunity to immerse themselves in an international educational environment, broaden their horizons, and enrich their academic and cultural experiences.

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At ESADA, we take pride in offering our students, teachers and staff the opportunity to participate in international mobility programs like Erasmus+. We value the importance of internationalization and firmly believe in the enrichment that comes from studying and living in another country. There is no doubt that experiencing Erasmus will enhance your academic profile and open doors for your future.

Don't miss the chance to be part of this incredibly enriching experience, both professionally and personally!

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