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3rd Support Plan for Teaching and Research Innovation Announced

3rd Support Plan for Teaching and Research Innovation Announced
21 April 2023

As part of its improvement plan, ESADA has developed this tool to support teaching innovation and research by teaching staff. The previous two plans have opened the way for us to continue in this improvement process.

This year, for the first time, we are incorporating support for teacher research. This allows us to align ourselves with the rest of higher education institutions and to fulfil one of the objectives set out in Royal Decree 1964/2009, which is the development and promotion of research in our area.

Both in support for teaching innovation and in support for research, the aim is to encourage the creation of stable teams within the teaching staff. This will allow the achievements to be aggregated and will increase the impact both within and outside our educational community.

In the case of teaching innovation, it is necessary that it aims to improve the future employability of students, providing them with personal skills that improve their ability to collaborate or the use of English in their professional work. This will allow them to open up new horizons and opportunities.

ESADA's commitment to research is part of the work entrusted to it, both in article 58.6 of the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May on Education, the RD. 1614/2009 or in the Andalusian Decree 54/2022, of 12 April, which establishes the organisation of higher artistic education. This new tool aims to encourage our teaching and research staff to initiate or continue research in the field of design and within the priority lines of research. These lines have been agreed and chosen within the capabilities and specialisation of the teaching staff. It will be a fundamental objective that this research is disseminated and achieves the maximum possible impact.

This support plan is structured in two parts, the first for teaching innovation and the second for research.