GREEN is back with its third edition from 18 to 19 November!

GREEN 2022 will be held next weekend at ESADA. Over the two days of the congress, different topics such as climate change, sustainable fashion, biomaterials and additive manufacturing will be explored. Sustainability will be covered from science, engineering and design.
GREEN is an annual biomimicry congress organised by Biomimicry Granada together with other collaborating entities. As the acronym indicates, these events are organised with the aim of teaching and sharing ideas that could generate positive effects on the planet, society and ecosystems. The GREEN conferences are designed for students, professionals and anyone with an interest in sustainability and its many facets. Special emphasis is placed on nature-based solutions, but any positive topic is welcome.
Now in its third edition, GREEN has grown to the point of integrating a multitude of perspectives, methodologies and techniques that foster a better relationship between humans and the planet we inhabit. This initiative was truly born as a vehicle for sharing knowledge and innovations in biomimicry - a discipline that proposes looking to the natural world to find solutions to human design challenges. Register now to reserve your place!
Friday 18 - Programme
Friday's activities will take place in ESADA's main building:
- Fashion and sustainability
- Research for biomimicry
- Spanish youth demands for COP27
- Design inspired by nature
Saturday 19 - Programme
Friday's activities will take place in ESADA's FabLab workshop:
- Biomaterials and medicine
- 3D printing for open source carpentry
- Micro- and nano-textured natural functional surfaces
- Learn how to apply biomimicry