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My Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training in Prague: Félix Guerrero, ESADA

My Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training in Prague: Félix Guerrero, ESADA
11 May 2022

Félix Guerrero, Erasmus+ Coordinator at ESADA

Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training at SCHOLASTIKA and ART & DESIGN INSTITUT in Prague (Czech Republic) from April 25th to April 29th 2022.

I had the pleasure of visiting two schools while in Prague (Czech Republic), with which ESADA has an Inter-Institutional Agreement and some of our students are doing an Erasmus+ mobility for studies there right now. This was my second Training mobility, which took place from April 25th to April 29th 2022 and, like my visit to the University of Arts in Belgrade (Serbia) last October, this visit has also been very positive and it will allow the schools strengthen our relationships.

Firstly, I visited Scholastika, located near the city centre and with amazing facilities. This school offers a degree program about Product and Graphic design, and we have two students who are studying there, Daniela and Jimena, from the 3rd year of Graphic design. I met some teachers and I had the opportunity to join some classes. I was able to see the interesting work and projects that they do. Also, I did a motivating presentation about ESADA for their students. I hope I encouraged them to come to ESADA like one of their students, Adela, who will do her Erasmus mobility with us next academic year.

In addition, I had some meetings with Jitka Šosová, Erasmus+ Coordinator, and with Evžen Šimera and Ondřej Brody, founders of Scholastika, with whom I discussed good practices and new projects together.

As well as visiting Scholastika, I also visited Art & Design Institut (ADI), in a good location and in a marvellous building with very suitable facilities, which reminds me of ESADA, and it offers a degree program about Interior and Graphic design. Carmen and Helena, two of our students from 3rd year of Interior and Graphic design respectively, are also doing their Erasmus mobility for studies in this school and I had the opportunity to see them working on interesting projects in an artistic atmosphere.

My visit to ADI was very through. After visiting the school, I spent some time with Veronika Králíčková, Erasmus+ Coordinator, and some of their teachers, Anna Šlapetová, Miloš Šejn and Lenka Tyrpeklová. We had lunch on Anna’s houseboat (such a wonderful place on Moldova river!). Afterwards, we visited together some interesting exhibitions in Prague and I had the pleasure of meeting Julius Gajdoš, ADI’s director.

I was able to see that our students are very happy in both schools and in Prague, which makes me happy too. I also had a lovely time with them in the city. Prague is a perfect place to do an Erasmus mobility, full of charm, magic and history everywhere (of course, also delicious food and drinks, and lots of fun at any time!). I recommend all our students, even our teachers and staff, to do an Erasmus mobility in either of these schools and in this beautiful city. Without doubt, it will be an unforgettable experience!

Thank you to the marvellous programme Erasmus+ and, of course, to ESADA for giving me again the opportunity to live another unique and enriching experience like this. To be the Erasmus+ Coordinator at ESADA is one of the best things that has happened to me in every sense.