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Apply for your Adriano Scholarship to study design until 20 January 2022

Apply for your Adriano Scholarship to study design until 20 January 2022
12 January 2022

You have to fill in the information in the link at the end of this news and print, sign and deliver it to our centre. 

The purpose of the Adriano Scholarship is to meet the economic and educational needs of students studying in the classroom mode of, among others, higher artistic design courses. Students of these courses who have not reached the academic score referred to the average mark, or who have not passed the course load required in the scholarships and grants of a general nature (MEC Scholarships) may be beneficiaries of this scholarship.

Therefore, the requirements to be a beneficiary of the Adriano Scholarship are as follows:

  • Fulfil the requirements of the General Scholarships referring to the fixed amount linked to the income, with the exception of the academic requirements referring to the average mark and the academic load passed.
  • Achieve an average mark equal to or higher than 5 points and lower than the minimum mark established in the regulations of the Ministry responsible for education.
  • To have passed a course load of at least 80% in the previous academic year. 
  • Not be in possession of a qualification of the same or a higher academic level.
  • Not exceed the income and family wealth thresholds to be determined. 
  • Be enrolled in the current academic year for at least 60 ECTS credits.


Applications may be submitted by filling in the application form available on the website of the Regional Ministry of Education. Once the form has been correctly filled in, it must be printed out and signed by all the members of the family unit. These are the codes that you must use in the application:

Interior Design and Product Design ESADA 18014373
Graphic Design and Fashion Design ESADA II 18014701

Once the application form has been printed and signed by all the members of the family unit, you must hand it in at our centre at the usual time.