ESADA present its brand new job portal to improve the students’ employability

With this new application, companies and students will have a direct communication channel.
ESADA still growing up. Every year the numbers of students that join into the 4 different design degrees that the school offers, this circumstance increase until complete capacity. Among the causes of this, we can find the project-based learning methodology and the potential to do internships in companies.
Our students can conduct internships since their second year, with the chance of doing again after finish their third year. This is an exclusive and pioneering offer in our community from a design university like ours.
This year, as a novelty, ESADA provides to the students and partners companies, a job portal to connect future designers with labour market needs, because the companies can publish, through this new method, the designer’s profile the would like to hire. The use of this kind of services consolidates the promotion of design in our community and country.
To this service, the students themselves will access through their profile in the virtual classroom, they will find the section ‘job portal’, where they can upload their CV and portfolio as well as apply for the different offer of employment.
The companies, will can request join to the portal and publish their offers to work or to do an internship. Otherwise, they will have access to watch the CV and portfolio of the candidates.
This Web App has been developed by our technical and engineers staff and it is integrated into our Virtual Classroom.