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You can now sign up for the workshops of the 3rd Creation Week, which will be held from the 19th to the 23th of March.

You can now sign up for the workshops of the 3rd Creation Week, which will be held from the 19th to the 23th of March.
13 March 2018

Exhibitions, Workshops and Conferences make up the third edition of ESADA's design and creativity week.

After the success of the 2nd edition, the School has opted for this activity that reinforces the academic training of the students with professionals of the sector and with an eminent practical character.

The School has programmed more than 25 activities within this edition, in which quality and variety prevail. In addition, as it happened in the previous edition, seats have been reserved for those interested who want to attend our workshops and conferences without having to be students of the center. Registration is available through the event website.

As in previous editions, the logo of the event has been prepared by the students of the school in a class activity. The selected work has been the work of the students of 3rd Graphic Design; Irene Corbacho and María Paula Moreno.

La imagen del evento, obra de Irene Corbacho y María Paula Moreno, estudiantes de 3º de Diseño Gráfico.

Exposición Ángeles Negros

A partir del lunes 19 de junio podrás disfrutar en nuestro de la exposición "Ángeles Negros", un homenaje al 'Cascamorras' una fiesta tradicional de Baza, un pueblo de la provincia de Granada de el que es natural Pepe.

El autor pretende llevar ese impacto y potencia al papel, ya sea de modo fotográfico o a través de la pintura y dibujo. Busca el contraste máximo, figuras negras brillantes, sobre fondos blancos impolutos, recreando la textura que el aceite negro provoca sobre la piel humana.

José Luis Ruiz Bautista, más conocido como Pepe Bautista, es profesor de creatividad en ESADA. 

Todas las actividades organizadas con motivo de la 3º Semana Creartiva son de acceso libre y, en la mayoría de los casos, gratuitas. Puedes encontrar más información en el siguiente enlace.