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Workshop `Design through nature´

Workshop `Design through nature´
14 February 2018


THINKING ABOUT DESIGN WITH BIOMIMICRY: Join us to learn about the fascinating world of innovation inspired by nature.

Imagine having an R & D laboratory at your fingertips, with more than 30 million case studies available.

Imagine that in your design lab you could afford to prototype and try all the ideas to find the best ones.

Basically, it is about Biomimicry, a framework of design and innovation that takes advantage of the wisdom of the natural world that has lasted 3,850 million years. The objective of this workshop is to learn with nature to open our minds to the potential of Biomimicry. We will "learn by doing" and practice the fundamentals of biomimicry design thinking and how you can apply it to your world.

We will go into some case studies on how nature solutions are informing companies today and, finally, we will discuss the challenges in Granada and how we think that learning from the natural world could help us. Let's look at nature differently, who knows, It might surprise you!