Start of Granada Alta Cultura, the Granada fashion event

Andalusian Higher School of Art and Design, in collaboration with the City of Granada, launches the cultural tourism event 'GRANADA ALTA CULTURA' to be held on 18 and 19 May 2017 in the Palacio de los Cordova.
Rocío Maldonado, Director of the Hotel Marquis Issabel's, Ángel González, Technician of the Tourism Office of the City of Granada, Raquel Nofuentes, Coordinator of Fashion Events of ESADA and Evelin Martínez, Coordination of Fashion Design of ESADA, presented this morning, in the reception of the hotel, the event that will take place between 17 and 19 May.
This project, which emerged from the initiative of the world of fashion, seeks to publicize the couture design of emerging designers and others already consolidated that keep an account with the city of Granada, all framed in an environment of great patrimonial value as are the monumental assets listed as Andalusian Historical Heritage present in Granada. For this first edition the location of the Palace of the Cordova has been selected, considering it a cultural emblem of the city.
The GRANADA ALTA CULTURA project also has parades, fashion shows in different emblematic spaces of the city, talks and meetings of experts in a way that seeks a strengthening in time and can be held periodically every year, consolidating with the time as a great event of culture and fashion.