Bodegas y Viñedos Díez Merit and ESADA call the first competition for the labels of the wines 'Pemartín' and 'Victoria'

All the students of the official teachings of Andalusian Higher School of Art and Design will be able to opt in to the prizes, 300 € for each brand.
The Contest consists of the creation of an original and unpublished design of a wine label / back label, which will be applied to a brand of the winery collaborating with the Andalusian Higher School of Art and Design (ESADA): Bodegas y Viñedos Díez Merit, wineries and vineyards.
In the Competition the aesthetic quality and originality of the elements used will be evaluated. The physical and digital presentation deadline will be May 23rd, 2017 at 1:00 p.m.
Once the deadline for submitting proposals is closed, the judges will choose the winners of the contest for each of the brands. The composition of the jury is:
- D. Salvador Espinosa. Bodegas Díez-Mérito Manager.
- Dª. Carmen María Gómez Vélez. ESADA Director.
- Dª. Mª José Ruiz. Degree in Graphic Desgin coordinator.
- D. José Ruiz Bautista. Degree in Graphic Desing specialist professor.