Talk 'Intellectual Property in the 21st Century'

Next Thursday, May 11, Eduardo Sánchez and Ángel Sánchez, from the Official Agency of Industrial Property IDEAMARK, will offer us a conference on the protection of intellectual property.
In a globalized world where copying and fraud are just a click away, it is important to protect our talent and creativity well.
We will start by talking about the modalities of P. I. More common, stopping in more detail in the most important for the students of design or people who are about to enter the labor market. We will discuss the differences between the industrial design, the three-dimensional mark and the utility model and which protects each one of them. We will talk about the recent problem with the banks of images and the protection of the contents that are shared in them and we will end with a concept that is given much more value outside our borders than here: The Design Patent.
All this in a practical environment, seeking as main objective to solve the doubts of the attendees and offering all the knowledge on these subjects obtained in our more than 20 years of experience.
Topics to be addressed:
- Introduction to the different types of Industrial Property.
- Graphic and plastic arts cases: Modalities more advisable and current panorama.
- Banks of images and intellectual property.
- New Patent and International Design Patent Law.
- Questions and answers.
Diseño de productos, ESADA, Evento, Propiedad Intelectual
- Last updated on .
- Duración: 1,5 horas