Preparation for the Higher Education Artistic Studies Access Tests

ESADA is preparing the Access Tests for course 2017-2018 Higher Education Artistic Studies. All students who have made reservation of place for the course 2017-2018 can take the preparation course for free*.
- 250 € / course (*free if you make your reservation in ESADA)
- Exam fees are included for future students
ESADA, being a private center, is not in charge of conducting access tests; this is the responsibility of the Ministry of Education of the Junta de Andalucía.
For each call, June and September, ESADA will offer a preparation course to access these studies.
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Specific Access Tests
Teaching of the contents of each subject conforming to the guidelines of each access test exercise. In addition, students will work in the classroom and will do home work and exercises, and they will be corrected and tutored by teachers.
Access Tests Structure
The access tests are divided in three different exercises. The first two take place during the first day of the test call and the third one during the second day. Exercise 1 has a 50% value on the final grade while the remaining two add up to 25% each. Passing the three parts individually is not mandatory to pass the exam.
Exercise 1: Written and Theoretical
- Text analysis; for this process of analysis and criticism the applicant will write answers to various issues related to historical, cultural, symbolic, etc. aspects.
- Image analysis, chosen by the applicant from among four different proposals provided by the examination board, related to each of the specialties of Design. Applicants may choose any of the pictures, depending on their personal preference. For this process of analysis and criticism applicants must write their answers to various formal, functional, compositional, constructive, etc. issues.
Exercise 2: Freehand representation systems
Exercise 3: Creative project
Maturity Test
In case of not meeting any of the access requirements, applicants older than 19 years or who meet them this year, may perform a maturity test that proves that they have maturity in relation to the objectives of the baccalaureate. This test of maturity is annually convened by the competent body in the matter of ordering higher artistic education, and passing it will have permanent validity throughout the national territory.
After passing this test, anywhere in the national territory, it will allow you to access the higher artistic studies through the specific test.
The Junta de Andalucía does not plan to convene the Maturity Tests in September 2015, but may be carried out through the Junta de Castilla la Mancha.
The test will cover the common subjects of Bachillerato: Castilian language and Literature, Philosophy and citizenship, History of Spain and Foreign Language. Each candidate will select three of these subjects and will develop a written question from among the four proposals for each of the chosen subjects.
Junta de Andalucía, Curso de Preparación, enseñanazas artísticas superiores, acceso, pruebas
- Last updated on .