Course Catalogue

General Information
Almost all of our degrees are now open to incoming exchange and study abroad students, which means you have access to one of the widest range of courses available at any Design or Art institution in Spain.
You should also check with your advisor at your home institution that you have selected appropriate subject choices before submitting your application to ESADA. This will ensure that you select subjects that are appropriate to your level of study and for which your home university will award transfer credit.
European Credit Transfer System ECTS
The ESADA degrees catalogue does operate on ECTS credits.
ESADA offers 30 ECTS each semester.
International students have to choose the subjects of the same year and also the same semester. Our methodology is Project Based Learning, which means that our students in each year have to do the same projects in all subjects of this year.
All our subjects work in two projects along a semester, but each subject will be marked individually.
Our classes are taught in Spanish at all levels and we strongly recommend a minimum level of A2 Spanish.
From the second year onwards, it is compulsory that all projects developed in the academic year are conducted in English. In the first year, English is optional.
Course Catalogue
Artistic Higher Studies in Design
- Official degree in Graphic design
- Official degree in Interior design
- Official degree in Fashion design
- Official degree in Product design
Official Master in Video Game Design
Grading System
In the Spanish Higher Education system, each course unit is graded on a scale from 0 to 10 points, and each numerical grade corresponds to a qualitative grade as follows:
- Suspenso (Fail): 0- 4.9
- Aprobado (Pass): 5- 6.9
- Notable (Remarkable): 7- 8.9
- Sobresaliente (Very Good): 9- 10
- Matrícula de Honor: A special mention for outstanding performance limited to a maximum of 5% of students registered in a given course unit group
When a student does not take the corresponding examination or final assessment, this is reflected as No Presentado (Absent).
To pass a course unit, a student must receive a grade of at least 5 points out of 10.
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