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Product Design

Higher artistic education are official studies established in the Organic Law 2/2006 of May the 3th on Education, which are taught in public or private institutions such as EAAI.

Product Design Studies in Andalusia has not been officially regulated until recently, this work has traditionally been a part of Industrial Engineering, and is now configured as an autonomous discipline, acquiring the rank it deserves within the design discipline.

This qualification is in line with a professional profile in high demand all over Europe, offering a wide range of career opportunities.

Higher education in Design will lead to a degree in Product Design, which will be equivalent in all respects to a university degree.

{tab Career Opportunities}

The product designer is a professional capable of designing , analyzing, investigating and determining the properties and physical and formal qualities that characterize his productions , defining the shape, configuration , quality , performance, value and aesthetic significance , social and environmental thereof.

In short, a designer focused on designing objects that will improve our environment , combining functionality, aesthetics and ergonomics.

In practice, what will I be able to do by taking this degree?

Just the same as with a University Degree , since it is equivalent for all purposes , ie :

  • Access to official master studies ( professional and research profile )
  • Merge onto the Civil Service through their selection processes.

But there is more ...

Innovation is considered from all areas, as an absolute necessity in the EU and in Spain in particular. Product Design is one of the tools to manage innovation in the business and has usually been dealt without the necessary rigor . This has resulted in a lack of interest in the subject by the business sector.

These concepts (similar in other parts of Europe) are changing in our country, and increasingly it is understood that the product design improves the competitiveness of the company , providing :

  • Overview of the new applicable technologies.
  • Research / Application of new materials and production techniques.
  • Improved design and production processes.
  • Higher final product quality.
  • Anticipating market requirements.

All these capabilities make the Graduated in Product Design, a professional with high employability within and outside our frontiers.

{tab Competences}

Higher artistic education on Design aims to train qualified professionals in the field of design, able to understand, define and optimize design products and services in different areas, tha has the scientific, humanistic, technological and artistic associated  knowledge, and generate values of artistic, cultural, social and environmental significance, in response to social and technological changes as they occur.

Being a regulated education, the legislation that develops this Degree in Product Design provides a number of specific competencies that students have to acquire, which are:

  • Determine the product final characteristics , services and systems, consistent with the requirements as well as structural, organizational, functional, expressive and economic relationships defined in the project.
  • Solve project problems using the appropriate methodology, skills, and procedures.
  • Propose, evaluate and determine alternative solutions to complex problems in design of products and systems.
  • Evaluate and integrate aesthetic  regarding the use and functionality of the product.
  • Analyze models and natural systems and their applications in the design of products and systems.
  • Determine the constructive solutions, materials and  production methods appropriate in each case.
  • K now the characteristics, physical and chemical properties and behavior of materials used in the design of products, services and systems.
  • Know the processes to produce and develop products, services and systems.
  • Dominate the graphic representation resources, in bi and three dimensions.
  • Produce and communicate accurate information concerning the production .
  • Know the communication technology resources and applications to product design . 
  • Dominate the specific digital technology related to the development and execution of product design .
  • Know the economic, social , cultural and historical context in which the product design evolves.
  • Understand the legal and regulatory framework regulating the profession, health and safety as well as intellectual property .
  • Reflect on the positive social influence of design, its impact on improving the quality of life and environment as well as its ability to generate identity , innovation and quality in the production.


Subjects and Times

The schedule for this degree in 2014-2015 will be Monday to Friday from 15:15 to 21:45 hours.

{tab First Year}

  • Visual language
  • Creativity and project methodology
  • Freehand drawing. Drawings and sketches
  • Expression techniques in design
  • Representation Systems
  • Vector representation
  • Digital photography and media
  • Art history and aesthetics
  • Design history. XIX, XX and current century.
  • Materials and fabrication processes

{tab Second Year}

  • Anthropometry and Ergonomics
  • Building in 3Dimensions
  • Scientific basis applied to design
  • Ecodesign and Sustainability
  • Technical English
  • Models and prototypes
  • Packaging and holders
  • Identity communication
  • 3D Modeling and Simulation
  • Design - Art – Craft

{tab Third Year}

Pending approval

{tab Fourth Year}

Pending approval



Regarding the requirements to access the Degrees in Design, the access exam as well as the admission of students in schools, it will be as it is said in the Order of April 18, 2012, regulating the acces exams to Higher Artistic Education and admission of students in schools providing these studies. 

There are three paths:

{tab Direct Access}

People in possession of a Diploma in Superior Profesional Training in Art and Design, can access directly without requiring any specific test. It is an independent process with another calendar and application form. Students who meet this requirement must apply for direct access and deliver the academic record.

{tab High school degree}

Having a high school degree, or certificate of passing the test of maturity in previous calls or access to university for people over 25.

If you are studying 2nd of high school you  must provide certification that you are studying it. Remember to provide together with your application a high school degree or proof that you have it before starting the tests because, although you will appear in the accepted list only by checking this option, the examination is not allowed unless you give proof of it.

You must also pass the test of access within announcement made by the competent authority for the current year.

{tab None of the previous}

In case of not meeting any of the requirements, candidates older than 19 years may take a test of maturity attesting that have maturity in relation to the objectives of the high school. The test of maturity is convened annually by the competent authority, and overcoming it will be permanently valid throughout the national territory.

You also need to perform the specific entrance test commented previously.



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