Chiara Da Rold, Interior Design student at Università Iuav di Venezia (Italy)
Erasmus+ Mobility for studies at ESADA from February to June 2022.
My experience at ESADA was unforgettable. The university gave me the possibility to improve my skills, thanks to the interesting projects and the help of the professors who follow the students step by step during all the work. During the course I participated in initiatives such as the ESADA Design Event, the Design Week and the visit to Casa Decor. Also the relationship with my classmates was very good, they helped me inside and outside the university and I felt part of the group. Granada is a city to discover, with famous monuments and many places to visit. Life in the city is quiet and safe but at the same time never boring. I have had the chance to get to know the culture and customs of the region, falling in love with it.
erasmus +
Camilla Bertini, Interior Design student at Università Iuav di Venezia (Italy)
Erasmus+ Mobility for studies at ESADA from February to June 2022.
I'm Camilla, an Interior Design student at IUAV University in Venice, Italy, and from February to June 2022 I was part of that heterogeneous and huge world of Eramsus students who travel around Europe looking for new experiences.
My destination was Granada, Spain, a city that welcomed me from the first day and that I immediately recognized as "my home". Granada has been a wonderful discovery for me, a city with an interesting history, smiling and multiethnic, which offers the student many cultural and entertainment possibilities.I chose Granada mainly because of the university I was going to attend: Esada - Escuela Superior de Arte y Diseño de Andalucía, which I had already been interested in because of the presentation on the website.
The university reality has been very different from what I am used to in Italy, the relationships...
Wiam El Khamkhami, Interior Design student at TED UNIVERSITY (TURKEY)
Erasmus+ Mobility for studies at ESADA from February to June 2022.
Nélida Jerónimo, alumna del 3er. curso de Diseño de Interiores en ESADA
Movilidad Erasmus+ para estudios en UNIVERSITÀ LUAV DI VENEZIA (Italia) desde febrero a junio de 2022.
Voy a escribir un pequeño resumen de lo que ha sido mi experiencia en la ciudad de Venecia, en Italia. He estado estudiando en la universidad IUAV, Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia, desde febrero del 2022 hasta junio del 2022. Las clases eran en italiano y los exámenes también. Los profesores me han tratado muy bien, porque al principio no entendía mucho el idioma y siempre eran muy amables, no me ponían ninguna pega si no entendía alguna cosa o tenía algún problema. En la clase éramos alrededor de 60 personas, aunque había gente que se conectaba online por el covid, ya que también te daban esa oportunidad. Mis compañeros también me han ayudado, tanto con el idioma, como con las clases, como con los apuntes. A la hora de desenvolverme, podía hacerlo bastante bien en inglés,...
Irene Benítez, alumna de 4º curso de Diseño de Moda en ESADA
Movilidad Erasmus+ para prácticas curriculares en la empresa Rikke Juellund en Dinamarca desde febrero a mayo de 2022.
Rikke Juellund es la diseñadora de moda y diseñadora de esceneografía con la que he hecho las prácticas. Es autónoma por lo que no tiene una empresa, pero sí que hace colaboraciones´con distintos teatros de Escandinavia. Ella es diseñadora para teatros, óperas, musicales... En algunas obras es la diseñadora de vestuario mientras que en otras se encarga de la esceneografía o incluso ambas.Durante estos meses ha tenido muchas obras en ciudades diferentes de las que me ha hecho partícipe, especialmente de la de Robin Hood en la ciudad de Malmö, Suecia. Otras han sido en Svendborg (Dinamarca), Århus (Dinamarca), Bornholm (Dinamarca), Estocolmo (Suecia) o en Berlín (Alemania). Había algunas más de las que no he formado parte como por ejemplo una ópera en Kazajistán.En cuanto al espacio...
Félix Guerrero, Erasmus+ Coordinator at ESADA
Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training at SCHOLASTIKA and ART & DESIGN INSTITUT in Prague (Czech Republic) from April 25th to April 29th 2022.
I had the pleasure of visiting two schools while in Prague (Czech Republic), with which ESADA has an Inter-Institutional Agreement and some of our students are doing an Erasmus+ mobility for studies there right now. This was my second Training mobility, which took place from April 25th to April 29th 2022 and, like my visit to the University of Arts in Belgrade (Serbia) last October, this visit has also been very positive and it will allow the schools strengthen our relationships.
Firstly, I visited Scholastika, located near the city centre and with amazing facilities. This school offers a degree program about Product and Graphic design, and we have two students who are studying there, Daniela and Jimena, from the 3rd year of Graphic design. I met some teachers and I had the...
Félix Guerrero, Coordinador Erasmus+ en ESADA
Movilidad Erasmus+ de personal en SCHOLASTIKA y ART & DESIGN INSTITUT en Praga (República Checa) del 25 al 29 de abril de 2022.
I had the pleasure of visiting two schools while in Prague (Czech Republic), with which ESADA has an Inter-Institutional Agreement and some of our students are doing an Erasmus+ mobility for studies there right now. This was my second Training mobility, which took place from April 25th to April 29th 2022 and, like my visit to the University of Arts in Belgrade (Serbia) last October, this visit has also been very positive and it will allow the schools strengthen our relationships.
Firstly, I visited Scholastika, located near the city centre and with amazing facilities. This school offers a degree program about Product and Graphic design, and we have two students who are studying there, Daniela and Jimena, from the 3rd year of Graphic design. I met some teachers and I had the opportunity to...
Ariana González, alumna del 2º curso de Diseño de Interiores en ESADA
Movilidad Erasmus+ para estudios en TED University (Turquía) desde septiembre 2021 a enero 2022.
A pesar de que resulta prácticamente imposible describir o relatar todas las experiencias, momentos y sensaciones vividas, en esta memoria trataré de explicar las experiencias que viví durante mi movilidad erasmus + en Ankara, Turquía.
Inicié oficialmente mi movilidad el 27/09/2021 y la terminé el 14/01/2022 pero por problemas en los vuelos, salí de España el 19 de Septiembre y después de pasar por, Suiza, Francia y Estambul no es hasta el 25 de Septiembre que llego a Ankara.Una vez allí empiezo a conocer a Españoles, la ciudad y a hacer nuevos amigos de otras nacionalidades. En la universidad hubo asignaturas que llevé muy bien y en donde pude desarrollarme y hasta usar y/o contar cosas y aprendizajes adquiridos de España.Me fui a Turquía sin saber inglés y mucho menos turco, pero allí gracias...
Ulises Moya, alumno egresado de Diseño de Producto en ESADA
Movilidad Erasmus+ para prácticas de egresado en la empresa Lex Pott situada en Rotterdam (Holanda) desde noviembre 2021 a febrero 2022.
For me, one of the things that I enjoy most is definitely traveling. If you combine it with the opportunity to spend a few months working in a design studio, the decision is easy.
The Netherlands as destination could not been a better choice. The country is full of amazing and creative people with design present in every corner. Rotterdam is a really nice city, full of life, and with plenty of things to do every day.
But for sure the best part was being in the studio and getting to know how it works from the inside. Learned a lot of things, on a professional and a personal level that can not learn in any other way that being there. At the studio I felt like one more in the family since day one, and I’m really happy to be able to call them friends after the...
Agathe Rohan, Graphic Design student at L’école de Design Nantes Atlantique (France)
Erasmus+ Mobility for studies at ESADA from October 2021 to January 2022.
My 4-month stay in Granada was very rewarding. I learnt a lot: a new culture, new traditions, a language that I knew a little and could learn more about,... Besides, being an Erasmus student, I felt that people were very friendly, benevolent and curious, which allowed me to meet a lot of people. And the Spanish have a sense of hospitality.
Granada is a very beautiful city in which there are many things to do, discover its numerous landscapes, but also its colourful gastronomy, its museums, its unusual places,.... There's no need to get bored!
Finally, ESADA welcomed me very well as a new student coming from somewhere else. The staff and teachers are attentive and always friendly. The feeling that this small school works like a family also helps a lot to feel at ease.
In a word, I would say that if I had to do...
Najwa Bendriss, alumna del 4º curso de Diseño de Interiores en ESADA
Movilidad Erasmus+ para estudios en Art & Design Institut (República Checa) desde octubre 2021 a febrero 2022.
Mi experiencia de Erasmus ha sido una de las experiencias más gratificantes que he tenido como estudiante. Al principio me costó irme, no os voy a mentir, en Granada ya tenía mi vida más o menos hecha, y volver a empezar nunca es fácil, pero ahora, tras finalizar el intercambio sólo puedo decir cosas buenas sobre mi experiencia.
He conocido a muchísima gente de todos lados, he viajado a países Europeos a los que nunca me hubiera planteado viajar y, sobre todo, he valorado mucho lo que tengo en mi país y en mi casa.
Animo a todo el mundo que estudie un grado en ESADA a que se atreva a aventurarse y se vaya de Erasmus, siempre está bien salir de la zona de confort y ver el mundo de fuera, y por supuesto, siempre se aprenden muchísimas cosas.
Paula Fernández Lozano, alumna del 4º curso de Diseño de Moda en ESADA
Movilidad Erasmus+ para estudios en UNIVERSITY OF ARTS IN BELGRADE (Serbia) desde septiembre 2021 a febrero 2022.
My Erasmus in Belgrade, Serbia, has been a great experience in all areas but especially on a social level, because I have met many people from all over the world, with whom I have shared many moments, I have learned many cultures and they have learned from mine. This experience has also helped me to reinforce my English level.
In the school in Belgrade, The University of Arts, I have learned different methodologies at the time of working, very different from what I was used to in Spain. There the students helped us at all times because some people did not speak English and spoke in their own language, Serbian, but communicating and learning was not a problem at any time.
As for the city, Belgrade, is very different from Spain, it is a city that came out of the war about 20 years...
Laura Candón, alumna del 3er. curso de Diseño Gráfico en ESADA
Movilidad Erasmus+ para estudios en Art & Design Institut (República Checa) desde octubre 2021 a febrero 2022.
My Erasmus has been a great experience especially on a social level, in the sense that I have met many people of all kinds of nationalities, with whom I have travelled a lot and perfected my English.
At school I have also enjoyed myself, I have had a lot of contact with the teachers, who have all been very nice and have been concerned about integrating us, I have also met other Spanish Erasmus students from other cities with whom I have made great friendships and I have learned a lot from them.
As for the city, Prague was a great choice, with a lot of international people, cheap, and in the centre of Europe which made it easy to travel around. With my group of Erasmus students we travelled to Budapest, Vienna, Krakow, Bratislava and Berlin.
All in all it was an experience I would repeat...
ESADA ha recibido a sus nuevos estudiantes internacionales para realizar sus movilidades de estudios durante el segundo semestre de este curso 2021-2022. Hasta la fecha, ha sido el número más alto de alumnos incoming que hemos recibido en un semestre.
Estos jóvenes diseñadores vienen de escuelas procedentes de toda Europa: Università Iuav di Venezia (Italia), TED University (Turquía), Vilnius College of Technologies and Design (Lituania), Accademia Abadir (Italia), Munster Technological University (Irlanda), Art & Design Institut (República Checa), New Design University (Austria) y Politehnica Univeristy of Timisoara (Rumanía).
Además, vienen dos alumnas de la Universidad de Monterrey - UDEM (México).
Sin duda, para ESADA siempre es un placer y un orgullo recibir a tantos alumnos incoming año tras año y esperamos seguir haciéndolo.
Félix Guerrero, Erasmus+ Coordinator at ESADA
Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training at UNIVERSITY OF ARTS IN BELGRADE (Serbia) from 25 October to 29 October 2021.
I never imagined that this experience was going to be so gratifying! My first big trip during the pandemic and it could not had been better!
As Erasmus+ Coordinator at Andalusian Higher School of Art and Design (ESADA) in Granada (Spain), I was very grateful to had the opportunity to meet one of our partners, the University of Arts in Belgrade, during my Training Mobility. It was realized in the period from 25 October to 29 October 2021.
I also had the opportunity to visit two of our Fashion Design students, Paula Fernández and Alejandro Ortega, who are doing an Erasmus mobility at the Faculty of Applied Arts. Besides, ESADA had the pleasure to host one incoming student from this Faculty, Isidora Vulić, who did an Erasmus mobility during the first semester of the academic year 2020-21. And...
Antonino Jorge, Erasmus+ Coordinator at ESAD Matosinhos (Portugal)
On November 3 and 4 I had the opportunity to visit ESADA in Granada as part of the Erasmus+ Program. Previously articulated with Félix Guerrero Blanco, ESADA Erasmus+ Coordinator, the visit had the following objectives: to get to know the school and its facilities, its study plans, teaching methods and strategies; share experiences and good practices; implement cooperation in Erasmus+ mobilities and other projects.
Thus, on the first day, the visit allowed a presentation of ESAD Matosinhos to the directors and coordinators of the different ESADA degrees, a detailed visit to the facilities and their equipment, and also the participation in a meeting with professors from the University of Utrecht who were preparing the Green Festival congress. There was also a brief meeting with the 3rd year Interior Design student, Isabel González, a candidate to take the ESAD within the framework of Erasmus+ in the 2nd Semester...
Félix Guerrero, Coordinador Erasmus+ en ESADA
Movilidad Erasmus+ de personal en UNIVERSITY OF ARTS IN BELGRADE (Serbia) del 25 al 29 de octubre de 2021.
I never imagined that this experience was going to be so gratifying! My first big trip during the pandemic and it could not had been better!
As Erasmus+ Coordinator at Andalusian Higher School of Art and Design (ESADA) in Granada (Spain), I was very grateful to had the opportunity to meet one of our partners, the University of Arts in Belgrade, during my Training Mobility. It was realized in the period from 25 October to 29 October 2021.
I also had the opportunity to visit two of our Fashion Design students, Paula Fernández and Alejandro Ortega, who are doing an Erasmus mobility at the Faculty of Applied Arts. Besides, ESADA had the pleasure to host one incoming student from this Faculty, Isidora Vulić, who did an Erasmus mobility during the first semester of the academic year 2020-21. And it was very nice to see...
Antonino Jorge, Coordinador Erasmus+ en ESAD Matosinhos (Portugal)
Los días 3 y 4 de noviembre tuve la oportunidad de visitar ESADA en Granada en el ámbito del Programa Erasmus+. Previamente articulada con Félix Guerrero Blanco, Coordinador Erasmus+ de ESADA, la visita tuvo los siguientes objetivos: conocer la escuela y sus equipamientos, sus planes de estudio, métodos y estrategias de enseñanza; compartir experiencias y buenas prácticas; implementar la cooperación en las movilidades Erasmus+ y otros proyectos.
Así, el primer día, la visita permitió una presentación de ESAD Matosinhos a los directores y coordinadores de las diferentes titulaciones de ESADA, una visita detallada a las instalaciones y sus equipos, y también la participación en un encuentro con profesores de la Universidad de Utrecht que estaban preparando el congreso Green Festival. También hubo un breve encuentro con la alumna de 3º de Diseño de Interiores, Isabel González, candidata a cursar la ESAD en...
Rosa Navarro, estudiante de 4º de Diseño de Moda, ha encontrado trabajo tras sus prácticas curriculares en Berlín gracias a una beca Erasmus+ Prácticas.
A partir del curso 2019 - 2020 los estudiantes de movilidad entrante de ESADA recibirán clases de capacitación lingüística con el objetivo de que adquieran un nivel de español que les permita comunicarse con soltura.